Let Me Tell You What I Want - Rights, Choices and Wishes at End of Life
Living Well Dying Well http://www.lwdwtraining.uk/ are hosting a Community events on Wednesday 11 May 2016 in support of Dying Matters Awareness Week at the Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street EX1 3LS Gandy Street EX4 3LS.
The theme is the #Big Conversation. People can attend any one or all of the events. We want to show how advance planning for end of life, at any stage of life, can make it easier for the people we love and help us to have control and choice when the time comes. We’ll be doing this by running a seminar, discussion groups, and through the medium of film and theatre. All are welcome to listen and participate in a welcoming, relaxed, engaging, entertaining and informative environment.
Please see image. You are welcome to come to one or all of the events.
0930 Seminar on planning for end of life - health, legal, financial, treatment decisions,advance directives
1100 Small group discussions on how to plan
1300 Play 'Homeward Bound' by Brian Daniels and commissioned by the National Council for Palliative Care
1530 Film 'Seven Songs for a long life'
1730 Play 'Homeward Bound' (repeat performance)