Rugby For Dummies

Authored by sandypark
Posted: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 4:28pm

Have you ever been at an Exeter Chiefs match and wondered why the referee has made a particular call? Or are you someone who would like to watch more rugby, but are unsure on some of the rules?

Whether you’re a regular Chiefs’ spectator and want to brush up, or completely new to Rugby and want to learn the basics, at Rugby For Dummies Exeter Chiefs’ Head Coach Rob Baxter will take you through the rules and explain some of the decisions that affect matches at Sandy Park, with added insight into how the Chiefs’ train to work around them.

Taking place at 7pm on August 27th at Sandy Park, this evening is designed for all supporters to help understand and enjoy matches at the Exeter Chiefs even more.

Tickets are £5 for Under-16s or £10 for adults, and food is included in the ticket price.

Buy your tickets at

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Event Date

Thursday, August 27, 2015 - 7:00pm to 10:30pm
