Cranbrook Charity Family Fun Run
Charity Family Fun Run. 17 Sept in the new Cranbrook country park. The first ever charity fun run in the new and growing town of Cranbrook.
1K course for under 10s, strollers buggy runners, etc. 5K course for 10s and over (if they wish) and those who want to run a bit faster. Registration starts at noon.
The event starts at 1pm. To pre-register, visit Complete Estate and Letting Agents, 141 Younghayes Road, Cranbrook All entry fees go to MacMillan Cancer.
Run for fun or get sponsorship for the charity or group of your choice. Entry Fees: £5 over 16s, waged. £2, aged 16 and under, unemployed & students.
Also, on the day, visit the ‘What’s Occurring, Cranbrook?’ marquee to find out about the vibrant community groups, clubs and activities happening in the town.
For more information visit our website www.cranbrookfunrun.co.uk