Exeter Conservatives Open Primary
Power is being given back to the people by the Conservative Party in Exeter. They are giving voters the chance to choose the next Conservative challenger in the 2015 General Election.
In an exciting move voters in the Exeter constituency are being invited to help choose the new Conservative challenger in this key constituency.
The Exeter Conservative Association has decided to choose a “primary” selection process which will enable every registered voter to apply to attend the selection meeting, where they will be given the opportunity to quiz candidates and vote on who the Conservative candidate should be.
The meeting will be held in Exeter on 18 January.
To attend electors will need to pre-register either by emailing their name, address and contact details to agent@tivertonhonitonconservatives.org.uk or by ringing 01395 233503. Registration will close at 4pm on Friday 17th January. Once the venue is full registrations will close.