Launch of Functional Health Screening
Your Personal Invitation to the Launch of a New Clinic
Bringing Functional Health Screening & Integrated Medicine to The South West.
Wednesday 29th April 2015 from 6.00pm- 7.30pm at The Innovation Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4RN
6.00pm – Drinks and guest registration
6.30pm – 7.30pm Presentation:
'What is Functional Health Medicine' plus your chance to ‘Ask the Panel'
Functional and Integrated medicine are rapidly growing fields of healthcare focusing on a person as a whole and not on isolated symptoms.
Dr Rajendra Sharma is a leading practitioner in these fields of medicine. In conjunction with Thermalogica, a pioneering health screening company, they have created a unique clinic here in the South West. The new clinic already works with an ever increasing number of complementary health practitioners and leading specialists.
How FHS can benefit you and/or your practice:
Functional Health Screening (FHS) provides tests and investigations to help optimize health and direct and support therapeutic programs for all health conditions, particularly those less responsive to conventional medicine.
Integrated Medicine combines non-conventional and natural therapies with conventional medicine to direct treatment of a disease or disorder.
There is a growing body of evidence that lifestyle changes, the use of organic foods, supplements, herbal extracts and other natural therapies can improve health and reduce the need for medication.
Functional Health Screening highlights where a risk of a condition exists prior to its setting in. If disease has set in FHS can help diagnose and determine the best way back to health.
Our medical Director, Dr Rajendra Sharma has spent over 30 years researching the best screening programs to help analyze risks to individual health and achieve and maintain Optimum Performance.
Conditions that will be discussed or touched upon include: * Digestive issues, including irritable bowel syndrome and the leaky gut syndrome * Chronic fatigue and tired all the time * Stress, anxiety and depression * Hormonal issues and oestrogen dominance * Osteoporosis * Healthy ageing * Nutritional status * Toxicity and detoxification. Structural issues, including the benefits of demographic investigation * Genomics-your personal genetic plan * Natural supplemental therapy * Far infrared therapy * And others