Living With Sight Loss course
Action for Blind People has developed The Living with Sight Loss (LWSL) course for people who are newly diagnosed, or anyone coming to terms, with sight loss. It aims to provide practical knowledge, information and support whilst empowering visually impaired people to gain confidence and independence.
The courses provide an opportunity to explore a range of different subjects from volunteering and peer support to emotional wellbeing and nutrition. They also provide an opportunity to meet professionals from a range of services such as Guide Dogs, RNIB, Social Services and the NHS to discuss topics like mobility and daily living, eye health and low vision.
From our base here in Exeter we run courses throughout Devon and Cornwall linking up with local service providers to bring you information and advice tailored to your local area.
The next course starts on 5 November in Exeter. It’s free and places are available! We are also looking for volunteers to help us meet and greet, make coffee and generally make people to feel welcome. For more info, call us on 01392 458060.