National Parks Week 2014 - Ranger led cycle ride
Enjoy a three hour cycle ride along the Granite Way looking and learning about the landscape of the North Western edge of Dartmoor. Flat even ground with plenty of short stops and rests. The ride will include a refreshment stop (not included in the price) at either the Bearslake Inn or Lydford. Other opportunities exist to take part in this event on Wednesday 30 July 2014, Wednesday 6 August 2014 and Wednesday 27 August 2014. You can bring your own bikes but please make sure they are in a serviceable condition (please check brakes, tyres and gears) and bring a cycle helmet. Alternatively you can hire from Devon Cycle Hire (special discounted rate) by contacting 01837 861141 or www.devoncyclehire.co.uk
Charge: £5.00 per adult, Children go free
Booking: 01626 831040