Other Worlds - Star Wars, Jurassic Park, The Planets etc.
London-based The Whitehall Orchestra is visiting Exeter this summer for a one off performance, where they will be joined by a number of Exeter musicians. This will be a fun filled evening of celebrated music on theme of 'other worlds'. The programme will feature: Jurassic Park - John Williams New World Symphony (Largo) - Antonín Dvořák The Planets (Jupiter + Venus) - Gustav Holst Lord Of The Rings (Fellowship & Two Towers) - H Shore Star Wars Suite - John Williams The concert will be held at the Southernhay Church (EX1 1QD) on Saturday, 20th July and it will start at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available on the door (£10 standard/ £8 conc./ £5 under-16s).