Taurus Chairty Pub Quiz Supporting The Barnfield Theatre
Join us for a fun quiz night putting your brain cells to the test! Will your team come up trumps, beating other local companies to the top prize? With a raffle, food provided by local caterers ‘Feast Without Fuss’ and a cash bar, the evening will be a charity event not to miss!
All profits raised at the quiz will go towards re-fitting the Clifford Room at the Barnfield Theatre. The Clifford Room plays host to regular mother & toddler groups and youth drama groups. With new digital dimmer racks, lighting control desk and sound system, the room will be a more versatile, safer and environmentally friendly space. The improvements will help attract additional local groups, charities and creative societies, making it a buzzing performing arts venue that supports the local community.
All donations from tables sold will go to the Barnfield Theatre Charity, as will profits from the bar. Taurus will be covering the food costs.
Date: Tuesday 7th June 2016
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm (arrive from 6:30pm, quiz starts at 7:00pm)
Price: £75* per table - up to 5 people *minimum donation please
To book your table go to www.tauruscc.co.uk or call 01392 202000.