Today - Christmas Coffee Morning at The Blackmore Theatre
Come and join the festivities at today's Christmas Coffee Morning at The Blackmore Theatre, Exmouth, between 9.30am and 12 Noon.
We hope you may turn up in your Christmas Jumpers, Hats and so on to make this a very special festive morning. Hope to see you there.
Teas, coffees and home-made cakes, such as German Apple Cake, Lemon Drizzle, Chocolate Cake, Quiche and much more.
Books, greeting cards, DVD’s and much more on sale.
All money raised goes towards refurbishments of the Theatre, which The Exmouth Players are very fortunate to own.
Occasionally, tickets may also be on sale for our forthcoming productions.
Ticket vouchers are also on sale for any of our productions. These would make the ideal gift for any occasion.
If you have not seen our wonderful theatre before, then why not come along and see for yourself. We do have works which continue from time to time as and when we have raised sufficient funds. There are back-stage guided tours during our coffee morning. You will be quite surprised to see what we have, including our wonderful collection of costumes.
(CIO Registered No 1174875)
Please visit our Blackmore Theatre website (blackmoretheatre.co.uk) or Facebook page for all information on future productions and other events.