Totally Locally Fiver Fest

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 8:22pm

The Crediton Community Bookshop will be joining the other fabulous independent businesses of the town and once again participating and supporting the Totally Locally Fiver Fest promotion between Oct 5th -12th.

By participating in the Totally Locally Fiver Fest the local Crediton shops are showing that shopping locally is great value, and the variety of the offerings on Crediton high street is staggering and should be celebrated.

The Totally Locally Fiver Fest message is simple and resonates with many consumers in today’s online, on-demand culture  – ‘If every adult in the UK spent just £5.00 per week in their local shops and businesses, instead of online, at the supermarket or with huge multinationals, it would be worth £13.5 Billion going directly back into our towns. Which means real jobs, better facilities and nicer places to live. Makes you think doesn’t it? Shop Local, Live Local, Invest Local.’

For more information about this event at the bookshop or about the bookshop itself, please contact Dee Lalljee, Crediton Community Bookshop, 01363 774740 or email - and for more information about Totally Locally please visit -


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Crediton Community Bookshop

Event Date

Saturday, October 5, 2019 - 10:00am to Saturday, October 12, 2019 - 4:00pm