Music Machines

Authored by sbelshaw
Posted: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - 2:55pm

Simon Belshaw & David Sawyer present an exhibition of playable, interactive, sound and music generating devices.

Exeter 28th March 2020. Simon Belshaw and David Sawyer will be presenting an exhibition of playable interactive sound and music generating devices in the Awesome Art Space on Paris Street on Saturday 28th March 2020 between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. This will include an Arts Council funded new work (Music Machine 4) by Simon -  a playful, playable, hands on, multi-player audio installation for 8 people. Entry to the exhibition is free.


For the past few years Simon has been working on a project entitled Music Machines. There are now over 40 of these machines and are either computer programs, installations or for live performance. This exhibition will contain some of the installation pieces which are a combination of technology and music. The centre piece is a new work to be performed by 8 players. All players will sit round a table, in front of them will be a series of buttons which will light up and when pressed will result in a short section of music being played. Each player works as an individual but together produce a piece that starts slowly and quietly and builds into a mass of sound. The piece lasts for 8 minutes and it is planned that it will be performed by a variety of people throughout the day.

Other pieces from Simon include a contemporary version of a wind chime, a piece that works using an ultrasonic distance sensor and a piece celebrating the first moon landing.

This exhibition features David Sawyer’s sanzachord which is inspired by the Kalimba, an instrument developed by Hugh Tracy from the original African Lamellaphone, examples of which are the mbira and sanza. Also included is the Lamelladrone which features acoustic amplification inspired by early gramophone speakers. The means of vibrating lamellas originates from Helmholtz’s electrically driven tuning fork.

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AWEsome Art Space, 27 Paris Street, Exeter. EX1 2JB

Event Date

Saturday, March 28, 2020 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
