Open 10am – 3pm Daily
Cost Free Public Admission
All the images in this exhibition have been taken within cities and towns. They are contemporary records of urban life, but they are also testament to mankind’s ingenuity in adapting to new and challenging environments. These photographs capture the challenges we face on a daily basis, as well as the lifestyle choices and aesthetic stimulation arising from high population density and cultural diversity. Each of our photographers has emphasised beautiful elements to capture and hold our attention, particularly when the subject material is challenging.
STREETSCAPES is a touring photographic exhibition created and supported by The Photographic Angle.
For more information see www.thephotographicangle.co.uk/exhibitions
Please check website prior to attendance for latest information as dates may be subject to change.
Disabled visitors are advised to check with us, before visiting an exhibition, that suitable access can be provided.
Tel : 0800 028 7338
Reg Charity No : 1135750
Image: ©Aaron Trice - Greektown Train