The Amadeus Orchestra
Friday 22nd July 2016 at 19.30
The Amadeus Orchestra
Cello: Raphael Wallfisch
Piano: Malcolm Forbes-Peckham Conductor:
Philip Mackenzie
Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue
Finzi Cello Concerto
Stravinsky Petrouchka
Back in Exeter Cathedral for their much anticipated annual concert, the Amadeus Orchestra and Raphael Wallfisch bring one of England’s finest cello concertos to Exeter; Finzi’s masterpiece from his final years. Wallfisch has long been a major proponent of his work and has made several recordings of it. Malcolm Forbes- Peckham last played a piano concerto with Amadeus back in 2014 when they performed Mozart’s double and this year he performs Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue as well as the quasi- solo piano part of Stravinksy’s ballet Petrouchka. Philip Mackenzie conducts.
Ticket information
£35, £30, £25, £20, plus a £2 booking fee (concessions available) from Exeter Northcott Theatre Box Office 01392 726363