An evening of Mozart with Exeter Choral Society - Great Mass in C minor
Join Exeter Choral Society for an Evening of Mozart on Wednesday 3 December, at 7.30 pm, with festive refreshments in the interval.
Exeter Choral Society and Orchestra will be performing Mozart's Great Mass in C minor, Ave Verum Corpus and Exsultate Jubilate under the direction of Laurence Blyth. Featuring soloists Josie Walledge, Heloise West, Andrew Henley and Matthew Cann and orchestra led by Julie Hill.
The concert is supporting the local FORCE cancer charity.
Tickets are available now at Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets, Dix's Field 01392 665885, £10 (NUS students £5, accompanied under 16's free). Price includes refreshments and programme.
For further information see www.exeterchoral.co.uk .