Nancy Elizabeth

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 11:57am

Nancy Elizabeth Cunliffe is a folk singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Manchester.

In May she releases a new album, Dancing, where she lifts off the lid of her piano, finds new emotion and harmonies in her beautiful singing voice and lets the transfixing songs drift out into this world, slowly slowly, quick, quick. Always one to  do things in her own time Nancy decided to close the doors to temptations and travel and tours and stay in her small, cold flat in Manchester, where she had a little piano, a computer and the occasional guest to sound things off. In small places epic things are dreamt up. You can hear this in all her new suite of songs.

Of the new album, Nancy says “I decided to call the album Dancing because in the middle of the night, the hours when it was created, I felt very aware of the passage of time. Rhythm is time marked out by sound or movement. Time moves on and everything moves with it. Dancing is not conventional modern dance music, although it does contain some electronic elements. It’s a collection of sounds and words. I hope it will inspire listeners to go out and dance, or stay in and dance.”

Tickets: £8.


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Exeter Phoenix

Event Date

Sunday, June 23, 2013 - 8:00pm
