Oakhaart / King Leviathan / Vipera

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 4:05pm

Oakhaart / King Leviathan / Vipera

Friday 15th April in the Clifford Room

Tickets £5 in advance (£7 On The Door)

Winners of Bloodstock Metal to the Masses Winners, Bristol 2014, OAKHAART are gracing The Hometown Metal Alliance stage this April 15th during their UK tour, bringing their thunderous live show to Exeter!


With support from the thrash beasts KING LEVIATHAN –

And opening the night, our good friends VIPERA return to the Barnfield for another epic show!


April 15th, Doors 7.30pm

£5 in advance from www.barnfieldtheatre.org.uk or Barnfield Theatre
£7 OTD

Be a part of the Hometown Metal Alliance! \m/

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Clifford Room, Barnfield Theatre, Exeter

Event Date

Friday, April 15, 2016 - 7:00pm
