End Of The Pier Show
Exeter College BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Performing Arts
Roll up! Roll up! See the most spectacular, fantabulous, categorically outrageously entertaining show on earth!
You may ‘oooh’, you might ‘aaaah’, you will definitely ‘hurrah’ as the finest young performers the county has to offer bring you an evening of variety and delight straight from the end of the pier.
Let our troupe of pierrots take you back through the mists of time – come join us on this thrilling, helter skelter ride of a show.
This exuberant troupe of pierrots will perform variety acts, turns and skits transporting you back to the days of the old time music hall.
What better way to banish the chill of winter and join us a nostalgic evening that pays homage to some of variety entertainments greatest stars.
In the Auditorium
Tickets £7, £5 conc
Box office: 01392 271808