The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
Directed by Alistair Ganley
A trivial comedy for serious people
Jan 21 22 23 24 25 7.30pm Jan 25 2.30pm Jan 28 29 30 31 7.30pm £12 (£8 Under 18/NUS/Equity)
Join the Cygnet Company for a burst of summer warmth in the depths of winter. Jack wants to marry Gwendolen, but there are two obstacles: her mother who is a ‘Gorgon’…. and Gwendolen’s ideal ‘to love someone of the name of Earnest’ … Meanwhile, the discovery that Jack has ‘an excessively pretty ward, who is only just eighteen’, gives Algy the perfect opportunity for some Bunburying at Jack’s place in the country! These are the ingredients for Oscar Wilde’s most witty confection: lost babies, lost luggage, lost relations – all enhanced by copious amounts of cake, muffins and cucumber sandwiches. The Importance of Being Earnest is one of the greatest and best loved comedies in the English language
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