Nature Knows Best
“Nature Knows Best” is a compilation of three short comedy plays by Devonshire playwright Nick Discombe. Each play portrays a day in the life of three different animal couplings.
“Sheep Mount” is a hilarious, yet poignant piece, in which a ewe and a ram escape their depressing lives on an enclosed farm in Devon, to roam free on Dartmoor. The defiant ewe, Zoe, is fed up of the farmer taking her young and hopes to rescue her relationship with her ram, Wayne, despite his roving eye. Meanwhile Wayne has been contending with many horrible scientific treatments from the farmer.
“Sea Gull Heaven” gives us a look into the life of two gulls that have been living out their days at a tip, where there are easy pickings for food because of mans wasteful habits. But due to city dangers and a wasteful life, they wish to get back to nature, so fly to the coast of Dawlish where they aim to cleanse their spirits.
“Seahorse Ride” changes our perceptions, as we see conventional roles within a relationship switch. The male of the species carries the children and gives birth to them and he is not at all happy about it. Not just for the obvious reason, but also because of mans effects on the environment that are deteriorating any chance of his births being successful.
Nature Knows Best is being performed on Wed 17th & Thu 18th May. You can see them at 7:30pm at Cygnet Theatre Friars Gate, Exeter, EX2 4AZ
Tickets £5 www.cygnettheatre.co.uk Phone:01392 277189 Or EVIT (Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets): 01392 665885 www.wegottickets.com