Shazia Mirza - The Kardashians Made Me Do It

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 3:57pm

"My mum can't find me anyone to marry. My friend Matthew looks at me with great concern and says, "You're not thinking of becoming a Jihadi Bride are you?" Would I do that? The weather in Britain isn't great, and the sunsets and landscape in Syria are meant to be very romantic... I'd get a husband, wouldn't have to work, and would definitely get a place in heaven. Yes I'd miss my hair straighteners and hot pants, but that's a small price to pay."

Following an acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe run, Shazia Mirza takes her new show on tour.  'The Kardashians Made Me Do It' is a searing and urgent exploration of life, love and Jihadi brides.

The Kardashians Made Me Do It is inspired by three girls who left Bethnal Green to join ISIS, and an unrelated radio piece Shazia contributed to the BBC which subsequently received a record number of complaints.

The show tells of the confusion it caused as she looks into the nature of offence, the dangers of politically correct liberalism versus the sinister and terrifying intrusion of ISIS into the lives of young British Asian women.

Price & Booking
£16 (includes £1 booking fee)
8pm (doors 7.15)
Box office 01392 665938

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Exeter Corn Exchange, Exeter

Event Date

Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 8:00pm
