Skin Deep is coming to the Bike Shed Theatre
The year is 1980. Born out of the cultural melting pot of Jamaica, London and Coventry, Ska and Two Tone music is sweeping the nation and has arrived in Exeter!
Four lives are touched and entwined forever by Ska music, fashion and culture but friendships are stretched and bonds tested when Jem suddenly returns ‘home’ from London, bringing with him a new identity. Skin Deep explores themes of cultural identity, working class values, race and sexuality in a Devon City set against the volatile backdrop of Thatcher’s Britain.
Skin Deep is an original play by Rosie & Midge Mullin written especially for the From Devon with Love Festival run by The Bike Shed Theatre and FrameWork:
‘From Devon with Love is ten days of theatre from locally based companies, using the finest creative juices, fresh from our green and inspiring county.’
Substance & Shadow Theatre burst onto the theatre scene in 2012 with their successful debut of Harold Pinter’s classic one act comedy of menace, The Dumb Waiter and are part of the exciting new Pop-Up Theatre Collective (PUT), which aims to unite the diverse wealth of creative and innovative, artistic talent across the City.