Two-day Mental Health First Aid Workshop

Authored by sueusuk
Posted: Friday, February 16, 2018 - 5:24pm

I am proud to be offering a two-day mental Health First Aid workshop on the 26th and 27th of March.  Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health allowing them to understand when someone may be developing or struggling with a mental health issue.

MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.  It is a practical skills and awareness course designed to provide a deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing, including your own.

Here are just a few statistics around Mental Health in the workplace:

- 60% of employees have experienced a mental health problem due to work or where work was a contributing factor at some point in their career. 
- Almost one in three employees (31%) have been formally diagnosed with a mental health issue and 6% of employees have been living with a formally diagnosed condition for more than 10 years.
- 53% of employees feel comfortable talking about issues like depression and anxiety, a slight improvement on 2016 – this is great, but there is still work to do because:

     o Despite these numbers, only 13% of the workforce feel able to disclose a mental health        
     issue to their line manager.
     o Of employees who have disclosed a mental health issue, 15% were subject to             
     disciplinary procedures, demotion, or dismissal, and shockingly these numbers are up        
     from 2016!

If you would like to understand more about how Mental Health First Aid can benefit your business, please watch this video.

If you are interested in becoming a Mental Health First Aider and would like to attent this fantastic two-day workshop, here are the details.

Finally, if you are interested in offering the workshop to a larger group, at your own place of business, please get in contact.



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Mercure Southgate Hotel

Event Date

Monday, March 26, 2018 - 9:00am to Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 5:00pm
