Exeter student shortlisted for national award

Local student Lazlo Beesley from DCET Training has beat off stiff competition from electrical apprentices across the region and will be competing at the national final of the Sparks Apprentice Electrician of the year competition.

The award, which is sponsored by leading trade supplier, Electricfix champions apprentices to showcase their new skills and commitment to the industry. To get through to the final, Lazlo had to compete against other local apprentices and undertake a series of timed practical tasks in front of a panel of experts.

Lazlo said: “I was delighted to have won my regional heat and I am extremely excited about competing in the final! Never in my dreams did I think that I would have got this far, so it is an absolute honour to be chosen to represent my college in such an established competition.”

Sandra Everett, senior marketing manager at Electricfix, comments: “I’d like to congratulate Lazlo for making it through to the final of the Apprentice Electrician of the Year competition. Apprentices are seen as the lifeblood of many sectors and nowhere is this more true than in the trade. I’d like to wish Lazlo the best of luck in the competition!”

The competition is supported by leading trade supplier Electricfix and Lazlo will compete in the national final at Swindon College on 8 and 9 May. As well as being crowned with the title of ‘Apprentice of the Year’, the winner will also receive £1,000 worth of vouchers from Electricfix.

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