Crowds turn out in force for show
Ideal show-going weather, great crowds and excellent competitions combined to make the second day of the Devon County Show at Westpoint, Exeter a great celebration of rural life.
Show Secretary Ollie Allen said it was wonderful to see the county turn out in force for the 120th Show: “The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and everyone seems so happy to be enjoying the start of summer here at the show ground.”
One of the highlights was the judging of the interbreed cattle championships. The champion beef animal was a 17 month old Limousin bull, Foxhill Farm Jasper, shown by Devon County Show stalwarts, Melanie and Michael Alford, from Cullompton.
Some idea of the value of the animals on show can be gained from the fact that Jasper has already been sold for £35,000, although Mr and Mrs Alford have retained the right to show him through the current show season.
And Mark Davis from Cullompton made it a Devon double in the blue riband interbreeds, as his Jersey cow, Bluegrass Grand Prix Supersonic Black, went home with the dairy championship. She's a four year old cow, who won both the Jersey breed championship and the dairy interbreeds at last year's Royal Cornwall Show.
Over the last two days the Show has welcome more than 2,000 school children - including the whole of Castle Hill Primary School, Tiverton.
The youngsters have been getting hands-on with Farm Wise Devon, run by Devon County Council and local farmers, pressing apples, preparing healthy treats and watching eggs hatch.
Judges tucked in at the Spring Sausage competition, won jointly by Deborah Edwards and MC Kelly. Steward Deborah Custance-Baker described the standard as ‘exceptionally good’.
All features from crafts to bees, poultry to cavies attracted visitors eager to enjoy the displays.
Elsewhere there has been non-stop entertainment in six show rings headlined by the daring-do of the Bolddog Lings motocross team. Horses large and small, pedigree dogs, birds of prey and sheepdog displays have been entertaining visitors happy to relax ringside.
Ollie added: “We’re now looking forward to welcoming families at the start of half term and we’re all ready for what looks set to be a super Saturday.”
Saturday’s highlights include:
Young handlers in the livestock rings
Great British Bake Off’s Glenn Crosby in the Food & Drink Pavilion
Learn to drive a tractor
Lead an alpaca in a new family alpaca feature
Take part in rugby training
Meet the military and seeing an Army tank
A mascot race featuring characters from the county’s favourite family attractions
Show jumping
Pony Club Games
Donkey judging
Music at the bandstand
Titan the comic robot