Exeter bus station plans amended
The Princesshay Partnership (The Crown Estate and TH Real Estate) has announced that it has submitted modified plans for the redevelopment of Exeter’s bus and coach station to Exeter City Council.
The amendments are designed to fine-tune the plans submitted by the Partnership in July. The changes enhance the viability of the scheme and the benefits it brings to Exeter, and respond to feedback from local people and organisations.
John Grinnell, Development Manager for the Princesshay Leisure scheme, said: “Our proposals for Princesshay will enhance its position as the region’s best retail and leisure destination and therefore we’re continually looking at how we can make improvements. Following feedback from local people and partners, as well as new technical information, we’re pleased to fine-tune some of the detail to improve viability and the wider benefit to the city and the local community.”
Modifications include:
· Improved access to the city centre for buses and emergency vehicles, following collaboration with the local bus operators and the Fire Service. This includes diverting buses off Longbrook Street by creating a new, more direct access point to the city centre along New North Road and ensuring fire engines will not be held up on York Road by providing access to Sidwell Street from New North Road and then Cheeke Street, which benefits from the bus lanes.
· Enhanced parking amenity and traffic flow through new set-down facilities for coaches on South Street. Existing facilities at Haven Banks will be utilised for coach lay-over.
· Additional floor space for the Council’s Leisure Centre and for retail use in light of further technical detail regarding how the Partnership’s plans will integrate with the City Council’s proposed Leisure Centre, which forms part of the overall development proposal for the bus station site.
· Updated parameter plans for building heights; pedestrian and vehicle access arrangements; and other outline principles of the development following further technical information submitted to guide the detailed design stages of the development.
The revised plans are now available on Exeter City Council’s website and any interested parties have until the 2 December to provide comments. It will then be for Exeter City Council to set a date for determining the outline application.
The proposals for Princesshay Leisure include a cinema, restaurants, cafes and shops, as well as a substantial new city centre public square and amphitheatre. The plans will sit alongside a new, modern bus station and a leisure centre, forming part of the Council’s plans for redeveloping part of the site.