Warning to motorists parking near Exeter Canal
People are being warned not to park their cars beside an access road to a popular canal-side pub in Exeter.
Signs are due to go up on Tuesday (19 June) along the road between Salmonpool Bridge and the Double Locks pub.
The City Council said a number of motorists were regularly parking at the side of the road, causing problems for passing vehicles and damaging the banks of the canal and the footpath.
Once the signs are in place the City Council will be getting a company to enforce the order and issue parking fines where cars don’t comply with the regulations. Enforcement will commence 24 hours after the signs are in place.
Cllr David Harvey, Lead Councillor for Place, said: “Parking along this stretch of road is causing problems for other users – motorists, walkers and cyclists. There are alternative places to park nearby, at Bromham’s Farm, at Double Locks for those visiting the pub and there is also a car park next door to the pub for those using the Riverside Valley Park.
“We want people to know why we’re doing this and when we will be starting the enforcement so that everyone is aware and this doesn’t come as a surprise.”