Sainsbury’s Pinhoe donates £5k to local charity
Sainsbury’s Pinhoe has marked a year of fundraising for their 2015 Charity of the Year, Rainbow Living, with the presentation of a cheque for £5,207.
Over the last 12 months Sainsbury’s Pinhoe has held many fundraising events for the local charity, including second hand book sales, car boot sales, and a curry & quiz night, along with several fun in-store events such as an Easter Bunny Hunt and Guess the Weight of the Heart Shaped bun to mark Valentine’s Day.
Individual staff also took on personal challenges as part of the store’s on-going charity support, including taking part in the Great West Run and a sponsored weight loss challenge.
Ruth Airdrie and Jerry Chew from Rainbow Living were delighted to receive the cheque from staff at Sainsbury’s Pinhoe.
Rainbow Living is a small volunteer-run charity supporting adults with disabilities, mainly learning disability, by providing accommodation to enable tenants to live with their peers as independently as possible in supported living. All funds raised by Sainsbury’s Pinhoe will be put towards the total needed for a third Rainbow House, which will enable another group of young learning disabled adults to live with their peers in supported living.
Speaking at the presentation, Jerry Chew said: “We have really enjoyed fundraising alongside Sainsbury’s Pinhoe over the last 12 months; the store has been so supportive of trying new ideas and giving us the benefit of their experience – we can’t thank everyone enough for their support, it has been amazing. We are absolutely thrilled at the amount which has been raised and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Sainsbury’s Pinhoe who worked so hard to make the events such a success, and to those individuals who literally went the extra mile to raise funds for us.”
Julia Hall from Sainsbury’s Pinhoe said: “At Sainsbury’s we want to make as big an impact as possible in our local communities, and we are proud to work in partnership with local charities such as Rainbow Living to help make a difference both now and into the future. It has been a real pleasure getting to know Rainbow Living and we are delighted to have been able to support and help the charity on their journey to acquire a third Rainbow House.”