Calling wildlife and countryside photographers
East Devon District Council has launched a competition to find the best photographs of the East Devon Countryside for the Wild East Devon 2019 calendar.
The competition opens on Sunday 1 July 2018 and entries can be sent until Friday 31 August.
All photographs must be taken in East Devon and can be of views, wildlife, wildflowers or trees.
Entrants can enter up to three of their best, high resolution photographs in the competition by emailing them to wild@eastdevon.gov.uk
In September 2018, the Chief Executive of East Devon District Council, Mark Williams will lead a judging panel with Cllr Tom Wright, East Devon’s
Environment portfolio holder and local photographer, Matt Wilson. The winning entries will feature in the 2019 Wild East Devon Countryside calendar, which will be available to purchase at East Devon District Council’s offices and at Seaton Wetlands.
Cllr Tom Wright, East Devon’s Environment portfolio holder, said: “Last year we had over 100 photographs entered into the competition and the standard was fantastic. The winners included images of Ladram Bay, a beaver on the River Otter and a festive Robin taken at East Devon’s Seaton Wetlands. I’m looking forward to seeing this year’s entries and choosing 12 photos, which sum up East Devon’s outstanding countryside.’’
All entries must include your name, where you live, your age if under 18 and a photo caption including where the photo was taken. Images must be high resolution and landscape orientation.
Images which include people must have appropriate consent to use the image. Entries can be sent to wild@eastdevon.gov.uk. By entering photos you are consenting to Wild East Devon using your images without a photo credit for marketing purposes.
For more information on the work of the Countryside team visit wildeastdevon.co.uk or contact the team via telephone: 01395 51755 or email: wild@eastdevon.gov.uk