Flamenco Flamenco: A European collaboration
Europe, in - out, or just visiting? Given the upcoming referendum, positive examples of European co-operation seem all the more noteworthy.
Today I came across an example which certainly made me think.
Claudia Caolin, an international Flamenco teacher and performer, is in the final stages of preparation for an international dance piece, which will be in Exeter on the 23rd of April, in the Barnfield Theatre.
Although born in Germany, Claudia has been living and working in the Southwest of England for more than 10 years from where she has assembled an international cast of top flight musicians and dancers, and not for the first time.
This particular production, which will be the fifth such collaboration, promises to be an outstanding example of European co-operation.
The show itself: ‘Flamenco Flamenco’ will premiere at the Acorn, Penzance, 22th of April, and then come to Exeter. It will feature a plethora of truly authentic Flamenco dance and music pieces, vivid costumes and passionate choreography.
Preliminary rehearsals in Granada, Spain, over the past 2 months, have brought together the renowned dance skills of Irene La Serranilla, stunning musicianship from guitarist Marcos Garcia and the evocative vocal style of cantaor Alejandro Gambimbo. Percussion will be provided by London based Demi Sabat-Garcia.
Whether in or out of Europe those of us who work in the arts trust that the world continues to grow smaller.
Tickets from Barnfield Theatre Box office: 01392 271808