Exeter’s Coming of Age
Having moved to Devon in 1999 and being based in Exeter since 2003, here at The Plum Consultancy we’ve seen some very exciting changes happening in the city and some unique dining and wining venues setting up shop and enticing us with their wares. This week and hot on the heels of Ruby Modern Diner, the latest and greatest addition opened its doors to the public – The Cosy Club. Based in the Halford Wing of Dean Clarke House in Southernhay Gardens, The Cosy Club has made the most of its historical past as the wing of a hospital by showcasing a Surgeon’s Operating Table style bar and Victorian influenced soft furnishings and wall hangings. This quirky eccentricity lends itself beautifully to a city which is very much coming of age in its offerings to businesses and residents who are constantly looking for new and interesting venues to try. http://www.cosyclub.co.uk/exeter2
If it’s buzz you’re looking for after work on a Friday or a venue to go to before dining out in Exeter then the Cocktail Bar at The Magdalen Chapter (formerly the West of England Eye Hospital – is there a theme here?!) is the place for you, with cocktail combinations to die for, great service and a relaxed but charged atmosphere to unwind in; it’s definitely the place to be. http://www.themagdalenchapter.com/
Cocktails served in teapots? How Exeter is that! And it’s available at 44 Below at the Urbanburger in Queens Street. With a minimalistic feel but still cosy with big sofas and feature fireplace, this is a great place to chill out during Friday’s Happy Hour (5pm – 8pm) and being family run by husband and wife team Melissa and Garth, it’s great to support an independent enterprise. http://www.urbanburger.co.uk/44-below/
If you’ve been to a great bar or restaurant recently in Exeter, let us know about it. This is a thriving city which just keeps getting better and better and we’re delighted to be part of it. Please contact us at www.theplumconsultancy or tweet us @PlumConsultancy to let us know of your great finds.
Photography courtesy of Matt Austin Images - http://mattaustinimages.photoshelter.com/