Buddies offer support for those in recovery
A new project in Exeter has launched 'recovery buddies' – volunteers who are ready to work alongside those recovering from addiction, and provide them with friendship and support.
The buddies are now ready for referrals from a variety of local agencies.
The initiative, formed with Addaction, Devon Drugs Service, Devon Drug and Alcohol Team, Exeter Drug Partnership and other local recovery agencies, includes partnering churches in the city. It was recently awarded a grant from the Office of the Crime and Police Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall to extend its work.
Buddies are people who are part of a church and who can offer their "recovery friend" the opportunity to be part of a church community, a vital alternative to their old lifestyle.
Scheme coordinator, Jane Trethewey, says that the social opportunities and community spirit of churches are beneficial as part the recovery journey.
She said: "Even though individuals are helped by local services, many go back to their old lifestyle. The buddy scheme offers a new environment. A church family is loving and non-judgemental, a place where everyone is accepted."
"The Buddy Scheme offers options and resources to someone on a recovery journey," said Nick Sutherland of Devon Drug Service.
"A good buddy will be someone who is empathetic, kind, open-minded and community-minded."
The Buddy Scheme has been developed through the Exeter group of the national charity Redeeming Our Communities www.roc.uk.com