Keep warm and well this winter

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 4:22pm

As the colder weather sets in, Devon’s health chiefs are providing some top tips to staying healthy this winter.

Devon County Council’s Director of Public Health, Dr Virginia Pearson, is reminding people of some simple ways to protect themselves, and their NHS, over the cold weather period.

“Most of us experience colds and flu-like symptoms at this time of year,” said Dr Pearson.  “But for some, flu can be dangerous, if not potentially fatal, so it’s important that eligible people keep up to date with their flu jabs. 

“Contrary to some recent news coverage, the current flu vaccination still provides protection against the vast majority of strains currently in the UK, so is well worth having.

“Reduce the risk of catching colds and other infections by washing hands frequently with soap and warm water.  And you can prevent the spread of viruses by covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and disposing of used tissues properly.

“If you are unwell, you should also consider where to go for treatment. Accident and Emergency (A&E) is for life threatening and serious injury and illnesses only, and there is a range of other options that could better suit your needs, such as the NHS 111 service or your GP.  Having a well-stocked medicine cabinet and making the most of your well qualified local pharmacist.”

And Councillor Andrea Davis, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, stressed the importance of checking on vulnerable people during cold weather spells.

“If you know someone who may be adversely affected by the cold - an elderly relative, friend or neighbour, someone not in the best of health or with very young children, it’s a good idea to check on them regularly if you can,” she said.

“It’s especially important that vulnerable people keep warm in winter.  They should try and eat warm food and drink hot drinks, heat homes to at least 18oC and move about regularly to keep warm. More information on keeping warm and well can be found on our website,”

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