Should I Buy Trisodium Phosphate?
We are surrounded by an incredible world of compounds and chemicals, but we really only know about the ones being marketed. Sad, isn't it? One such compound which you don't see advertised very often is trisodium phosphate. This is one of those magic compounds that can solve a lot of your cleaning woes. So if you are wondering whether you should buy it or not, then it's an obvious yes.
In this article we will be talking about the TSP cleaner. If you still don't know what it is, then you should read more about it at Activemyhome.
Before we start with the reasons for using trisodium phosphate, we should talk about the risks of using it. Even though it's not very toxic, in rare cases it can be harmful. For example, when using trisodium phosphate, you must ensure that you are wearing gloves; people with sensitive skin are advised to take special care as it could cause an allergic reaction. But also, you should ensure that it is stored out of children's reach. Swallowing large amounts can lead to severe health problems, so keep it on a high shelf, out of harm's way.
One more thing of concern is its toxicity to the environment. Even though it is a great compound, it's not a safe chemical for the ecosystem. In the early 20th century people were using TSP in huge quantities for various home-based tasks and as a result, it polluted lakes and rivers. It's therefore advisable to use the TSP as minimal amounts as possible, and never unnecessarily.
To clean cement stains
Cement stains are usually a result of renovation or building work and unavoidable. It usually takes professionals or strong chemicals to remove them. Due to a lack of awareness, not many people know that using TSP can help. You just need to pour a solution of TSP and water on the affected area and it will clean things up really well.
Clearing mildew
Fungi is very irritating and grows everywhere - particularly in the garden. TSP is great for ridding your garden of any mildew. You should make sure you clear your grass to avoid unnecessary growth of mildew spores. The best way of doing this is to use a sod cutter. Read more about the uses and types of sod cutters available.
Bleach and cleaning cloths
If you're tired of using the same old bleach which discolours your favourite shirts, then it's time to try TSP as the bleach. All you need to do is mix some TSP in water, and apply directly to stains.
Those are just a few great uses for this little-known compound.