Why It's More Important than Ever to Support Small Businesses Right Now
We are in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. Covid-19 has spread all over the world and the UK is now in lockdown to try and slow down community transmission. Non-essential business such as cafes, restaurants, cinemas, and clothing stores have all closed their doors. People are staying at home rather than travelling to visit family and friends.
It’s likely that many small businesses will never recover. Your local pizzeria that employed less than 10 staff and the small boutique hotel you stayed in last summer – these businesses can’t stay closed indefinitely. They have wages and bills to pay. Most will close and not reopen.
The same goes for small shops that don’t sell essentials. People were shopping less even before the lockdown, so now they have been forced to close, there’s no hope for them. It could be months before businesses reopen. And even when they do, with so many people out of work and in more debt, who’s going to have the money to spend anyway?
Propping Up the Economy
Given many people’s main concern right now is to stay healthy and find essentials such as toilet roll, supporting local businesses is probably not on their to-do list. But it should be high up there, as local businesses are the backbone of the economy. If the economy falters, it affects all of us.
Local businesses benefit the economy in a multitude of ways. The money they generate is pumped back into the community, in the form of wages and business rates. Small business owners provide a range of useful goods and services, often at more competitive prices. Furthermore, small businesses can offer the personal touch you won’t get from big brands.
Shop Locally
Where possible, try and shop locally while groceries are in short supply. Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, and the rest of the big-name supermarkets have experienced a huge demand for some goods and, as a result, many essentials such as pasta and baked beans are out of stock. Yet if you visit your local store, chances are these items are available. So not only can you buy what you need, but the money you spend benefits the local community.
Buy Online from Smaller Businesses
If you need to shop online for non-essentials, rather than handing over money to the likes of Amazon (and God knows, Jeff Bezos does not need the money!), look for smaller, local businesses that have what you need. Investing in small business helps drive the economy as well as the local community. For example, why not put the extra time at home to good use and plan ahead for an upcoming event. Whether it is an upcoming wedding, a trip to the races or even just a family occasion to celebrate the end of COVID there are boutique local sellers operating online who’ll not only make you look great, but ensure your money stays in the local community in these tough times. One of our favourites is MillinerybyManda a local Milliner who has a range of hats hand made and locally designed specific for your next special occasion. Etsy has a huge range of small stores just like this one, where you can shop for handmade goods and artisan products.
Have an urgent repair? Call your local plumber or electrician. Work will be in short supply for trades right now, with many people self-isolating or sick. Any work you can give them will be much appreciated. Even if you’re self-isolating, it’s OK, just let them know and stay in a different room. You can then pay online after the work is done.
Try and support local businesses as much as you can during these challenging times. This is the perfect opportunity for communities to pull together and work as a team.