Bear trail focuses on the science behind play
Parents can explore the vital importance of outdoor play for their under five year olds, during a series of fun education sessions at one of the areas newest attractions.
Early Years teacher Hannah O’Donnell, who specialises in the role of outdoor physical movement and cognitive development of young children, will be running the informal sessions.
They will take place at the Bear Trail, an Army-style adventure course, featuring a series of obstacles, including a zip wire, tunnels and mud pits, near Cullompton.
As well as having a chance to find out how outdoors play helps children develop mentally and physically, anyone signing up for the session will be able to spend the day at the Bear Trail – at a cost of just £3.50 per person.
Hannah said: ‘Academic studies have shown that our children spend less and less time outside. We are more risk adverse than our predecessors, combined with the increase in technology in the home, this adds up to children who spend little time outside.
‘Through these sessions we are aiming to look at how physical outdoor play affects every aspect of a child’s development.
‘Research shows there is a direct correlation between outdoor physical play/development (often called gross motor skills) with how children then later 'perform' and thrive in educational settings. It is so easy to support your child with physical skill development, for life, through outdoor play and having fun outside together.’
She added: ‘During the sessions I will spend around 10 minutes explaining some of the science and facts behind this and then families will be able to go and try out the trail – followed by a question and answer session.’
Ben Jordan, owner of the Bear Trail, said: ‘I am passionate about getting children outside, letting them explore and take considered risks. One of the reasons I set up the Bear Trail was to give children the opportunity to push themselves, get muddy and explore their physicality.
‘We’re very lucky to have Hannah running the sessions, which should be incredibly informative as well as great fun for the youngsters.’
The four sessions will take place every Thursday from November 17 at 1.30pm at the Bear Trail which is on the B3181 at Westcott.
For more information visit www.thebeartrail.co.uk