Is The Quay underappreciated and undervalued by tourists and locals?

Caitlin Clark
Authored by Caitlin Clark
Posted Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 10:32am

The Quay has a whole host of activities on offer for both tourists and locals alike. It offers food and drink to those who fancy a relaxed break from the daily grind, a delightful range of independent shops for those looking for a bit of retail therapy, and it also offers activities such as bike riding and boat trips for those who like to be active and on the go, not to mention the fantastic facilities on offer at Devon's new world class outdoor education centre opened by HRH The Earl of Wessex and Clip'n'Climb centre.

With all The Quay has to offer, why is it that shopkeepers feel it is not nearly as visited as it should be?

Exeter City Council has been blamed, with many shopkeepers saying they make parking difficult for tourists and do not promote The Quay enough through advertising.

James Chappelle, owner of Quayside shop Winterwood 2, said:

‘’There is a lot to look at but people just don’t come down here because they can’t park. That is the main thing. We have clampers here who clamp people if they park up, so people come down for The Quay, they see they can’t park and then they go again.’’

Mr Chapelle believes that car parking is such an issue down at The Quay, that even if more advertising was available tourists would still not want to visit. He added:

‘’Unless tourists can park somewhere they are not going to do it (visit the Quay). And of course the council have made it completely impossible for anybody to park here at all.’’

Eddie Henson, owner of Quayside shop Eclectique, also put blame on the Council, saying:

‘’For what the Council do for the Quay, I think it gets as many visitors as can be expected from the little advertising they do on it.’’

Mr Henson also feels that commercial take over has something to do with the lack of tourists, saying there is now nothing for tourists to do or see on The Quay that doesn’t involve a purchase. He went on to say:

‘’I think if they (the Council) did more advertising and made something in the Quay for the tourists to actually physically see, rather than to come down to the Quay and see a load of things which they have to pay for. I mean, it has a lovely Custom House, it has a fantastic old electricity building that has now been turned into a commercial enterprise, you aren’t allowed in the Custom House, it’s a shop, and it’s a shame.’’

Responding to these comments, Cllr Rosie Denham, who is lead member for Economy and Tourism at Exeter City Council, said:

‘’The Custom House was until recently the offices of the Archaeological Field Unit. Rather than leave it vacant, which would risk damp and other damage to this hugely important building, the Council secured the current occupiers while a long-term tenant is sought. Those discussions are currently on-going.’’

In answer to the statements made that parking was made ‘impossible’ by the Council and that cars were regularly clamped, Cllr Denham said:

‘’It is difficult to comment on clamping without knowing specific details. While private land owners are entitled to use clamping companies, we would encourage traders to let us know about specific problem areas. For visitors, the Quay & Cathedral Car Park offers long-stay parking close by, and we are currently looking into whether improved signage is needed from the City Centre.’’

Cllr Denham, who is also a Trustee of Exeter Canal and Quay Trust, went on to say that promotion and advertising of The Quay is the responsibility of both the Council and Quay traders. She told The Exeter Daily:

‘’We are committed to promoting The Quay as a destination for both visitors and Exeter residents. However, this isn't something we can achieve alone and, much like the City Centre, it will require the Council, local businesses and other partners to work together.’’

For more information about The Quay visit The Quay House Visitor Centre or The Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets Centre .

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