£1.1 Million Lottery boost for College Sport in the SW
The students of Exeter College and indeed across the South West can look forward to improved sporting opportunities thanks to new National Lottery funding from Sport England. A total of £17 million of investment will fund ‘College Sport Maker’ roles in Further Education across the country. Within the South West, 11 of these new full time posts have been awarded.
It is understood that participation levels in sport and physical activity drops off in the teenage years with all of the many other demands that appear. The ‘College Sport Maker’ will be tasked with linking the college to community sports clubs and the many initiatives being created by the National Governing Bodies to make the most of these opportunities for all of the students within the college.
Exeter College says: "This investment will enable us to make a huge difference to the offer that is made to the students of Exeter College and positively engage the learners to take part in sport or some form of physical activity with the aim of increasing levels of participation and ultimately to improving the individuals' overall health and well-being.
"It is fantastic news that Sport England are making this investment and creating these opportunities for sports development within the further education sector."