Charity award for 'exceptional' South West Water man
One of the UK's leading charities has given South West Water's drought expert a top award for voluntary work.
Neil Whiter, the company's Head of Supply Demand Strategy, received the President's Award for Outstanding Contribution to WaterAid at the international charity's Annual Supporters' Meeting last week in London.
He has served as WaterAid Regional Representative (South West) for the last four years and supported the water industry charity for over two decades by immersing himself in promotional and fundraising activities, delivering engaging presentations about WaterAid's work to many community groups throughout the region and championing its cause at every opportunity.
Neil, who is based at South West Water's head office in Rydon Lane, Exeter, said: "Over the years I have been involved with some unusual fundraising activities for WaterAid, from queuing for the loo for World Toilet Day to donning leathers for the annual motorbike reservoir run, but in doing so I have witnessed how the donations made by both our customers and staff have made a dramatic difference to the lives of many thousands of desperately poor people in the developing world who previously didn't have access to the essentials of life that we all take for granted: safe drinking water and effective sanitation."
Neil helped promote WaterAid's work following a visit to Bangladesh in 2009. He also organised, managed and supported many regional fundraising events for WaterAid, including Coast Along and World Toilet Day.
WaterAid Chief Executive Barbara Frost said: "Neil Whiter has given his exceptional support to WaterAid for over 20 years. He's a speaker, campaigner, lobbyist and fundraiser, which he does in addition to his role at South West Water. He is a people's champion for a people's cause, and he has done a huge amount to encourage interest and support for WaterAid across the south west region. We are delighted to have presented him with this award."
For more information about how to support WaterAid, please visit www.wateraid.org.