Cigarette pick-up to raise project cash

Dynamic duo target dropped city butts

GREEN teenage champions are targeting Exeter’s parks, school streets and supermarket parking to pick-up thousands of harmful cigarette butts. 

Environmental-aware dynamic duo Daisy Norris and Jack Eynon will be out and about across the city over the next few weeks to collect the discards and help clean our spaces. Their first pick-up will be in Heavitree (where Jack lives) on the morning of 7th December, with a second planned for 27th December, and more in the new year.

The community-conscious pair are looking for sponsors to support them, with all funds going to a once-in-a lifetime environmental trip to Costa Rica.

They are targeting the butts because:

  • Although plastic straws have grabbed the headlines for their damage, cigarette butts cause more harm
  • 4.5 trillion are littered globally each year
  • They significantly harm new plant growth due to contamination
  • An acetate used in the butts takes 10 years to decompose
  • …and they spoil our precious open spaces

(Source: World Economic Forum)

Daisy and Jack can be sponsored via gofundme under ‘Daisy and Jack’s ‘No Butts’ Fundraising Project’.

They are also on Facebook with a ‘No Butts Fundraising Project’ page. Contact details are there.

They are looking for city businesses and groups to sponsor them but will be very grateful for public donations. And if you see them out and about – they’ll be wearing fetching hi-vis jackets advertising their venture - please donate to this very worthy cause.

The Clyst Vale Community College students said: ‘We are both passionate about the environment and see hundreds of cigarette butts littering our home streets and parks every day.

‘We want to help clean up our city and draw attention to this harmful pollutant. Every donation and sponsorship will go towards our Camps International trip to Costa Rica in 2021, where we will carry on our green work with local projects and community groups.

’Please support us and help clean up your city too!’

Exeter City Council has helped the teenagers by providing them with specialist equipment.

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