Exeter charity gets Royal seal of approval

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Tuesday, February 17, 2015 - 7:09am

Volunteers, staff and clients at Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau had a royal audience today when they received a visit from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal.

The Princess Royal, who is patron of Citizens Advice, officially opened the bureau’s new offices in Dix’s Field.

During the visit she met Exeter CAB chair Dennis Mardon and was shown around the bureau by Chief Executive Steve Barriball, who introduced her to members of paid staff and volunteers. She had the opportunity to observe the volunteers in action, as well as seeing new ways of ensuring clients get the advice they need.

Exeter CAB Chair Dennis Mardon said: “We were delighted to welcome The Princess Royal to our new offices. Our volunteers and paid staff work very hard and it was wonderful to be able to show her the work we do here. She took a great interest in what we are doing and we are very grateful for her support.

"Last year we helped more than 16,000 clients in the Exeter area deal with their problems. This relocation has been a major step forward in confirming the bureau as one of the key support organisations for Exeter and the surrounding area."

During the visit the Princess Royal met a client who had received advice about benefits from the bureau.

Sarah Piercy, 34, who is a wheelchair athlete and is this year competing in her tenth London Marathon, said: "I first came for advice on my benefits, they helped to make things clearer and helped me to understand the computer system. It is a great service and has been really helpful to me."

Sarah, who was born with arthogryposis, a congenital disorder which causes muscle weakness, met The Princess Royal during her visit to the bureau.

Sarah said: "She was really interested in the work of the bureau and the help that I had received."

At the end of the visit The Princess Royal unveiled a plaque to mark the occasion and was presented with a posy of flowers by Phoebe Poulton, nine, and Allannah Cocker, five.

The Princess Royal also opened a cutting-edge Ambulance Special Operations Centre based on Exeter's Skypark (ASOC West). Read more here.

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