Exeter students join a month-long fundraising campaign for gender equality

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Friday, March 6, 2020 - 1:44am

iZettle and UN Women UK have partnered to  support young people who are leading the charge for a more gender-equal future. Throughout March, students that are part of the UN Women UK Society at the University of Exeter will join the Trailblazer Takeover and run activities designed to raise awareness and funds for gender equality. 

Just £25 could provide leadership development training for young women around the world, drastically improving their confidence and self-esteem, as well as an education about their rights, both in the workplace and beyond.

This campaign launches at a pivotal time for UN Women and the global gender equality movement. It is the 10th year anniversary of UN Women and only 10 years until we are due to hit the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of Gender Equality by 2030 - and yet, according to The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, we are still 100 years away from achieving gender equality. 

Supported by iZettle, the initiative  has been designed to inspire and activate a new generation of young leaders who are committed to change. Each university society has received a fundraising toolkit  consisting of ideas, social media support and advice, and iZettle card readers, allowing them to accept cashless donations while raising awareness.

Jemma Rimmer, member of the University of Exeter’s UN Women UK society, comments, "We are hugely excited to be taking part in the Trailblazer Takeover because it is raising money for vulnerable women to get the kind of leadership and skills training that they wouldn't otherwise achieve, and that is needed to empower the next generation of women leaders!"

Students at Exeter will run an International Women’s Day Music Night on 9th March in collaboration with some other women-focused societies, as well as hosting a UN Women Pub Quiz on the 26th March for fellow university students. 

Claire Barnett, Executive Director of UN Women UK comments, “The future success of  gender equality lies in the hands of individual activists. 2020 is a groundbreaking year for the movement, and we hope this toolkit will equip the true ‘Generation Equality’ to act in solidarity with all women and girls around the world who do not have a platform. Because our voices are louder when we raise them together.”

Sara Arildsson, VP, Head of Operations at iZettle, says, “iZettle believes in the power of women. We want to celebrate those campaigning for equality, while giving practical advice and the tools needed to make a real impact.

“Last year, we released the book “Women Transforming Tech” to inspire the next generation, and this year we want them to take action. With the fundraising toolkit, young trailblazers can accept contactless donations and encourage the public to simply  “tap to tip” the scales for a more equal future.”


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