Hundreds climb on board ‘Bill’ to see if they could save £££s off their utility bill

Exeter Together’s double decker promotional bus, nicknamed Bill, has been a big hit as hundreds of people climbed on-board during its tour of Exeter to find out whether they could save money on their houshold utility bill by joining the innovative collective switching initiatve.

Exeter Together has been brought to the region by Exeter City Council and the scheme, launched on Monday 18 February, hopes to help people save at least £100 off their heating bills by people coming together to switch utility providers.

Cllr Rachel Sutton, Lead Councillor for Sustainable Development and Transport, said: “Bill has been out in the community visiting places like Crealy, Wondord and Countess Wear with its tour finishing off in Bedford Square on Friday 1 March. It has given local residents the chance to ask any questions they might have about the scheme and how it could save them money.”

During it’s tour, Bill was joined by Ben Bradshaw MP. He joined Exeter Together’s team of helpers to provide information about how to switch and save money during a community event at Wonford. 

Ben Bradshaw MP comments: “It was great to meet so many people interested in the scheme. Exeter Together could potentially help so many local people save money off their utility bills and I would urge everyone to log on to the site or call the free phone number to see whether they could benefit from the collective switching scheme.

“It is really important people spread the word and encourage friends and family members to register too as the window to switch will be closing at midnight on March 17th.”

Gillian and David Bright from Exmouth jumped on board Bill while at Crealy Great Adventure Park. Gillian said: “I had read about Exeter Together on Facebook and it was great to be able to find out a bit more about the initiative, the team were really helpful. I registered on the Exeter Together website and I could save around £100.” 

The straight-forward registration process consists of people calling or logging onto the website with their utility bill to hand, and going through the step-by-step process. 

“People are under no obligation to switch and it is clearly explained whether the end user is better to stay with their current provider, or whether they will benefit from switching to the Exeter Together scheme. People will instantly receive a collectively purchased energy offer,” added Cllr Sutton.

Further help is at hand as older people requiring assistance with registration can contact Age UK Exeter (01392 202092) to make an appointment to see an adviser at the charity’s centre in Cowick Street, Exeter. Alternatively, people can also visit the Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB) on King William Street, Exeter, each weekday afternoon (except Wednesday) between 1pm-3pm as help is on offer for people who might need additional assistance using the Exeter Together website. 

People are advised to bring their latest fuel bill so that staff can help people make the comparison and the CAB will also be helping clients who book advice appointments to understand the scheme and the financial benefits it may bring for them.

The scheme closes at midnight on Sunday 17 March, and Exeter City Council is calling for people to “act now” in order to make the most of this opportunity. 

“It is great to have had the support of so many organisations, including Exeter City Football Club, Devon’s Crealy and the Exeter Chiefs. They have given Exeter Together access to their premises and Crealy even allowed Bill to park inside its grounds,” added Cllr Sutton.

In Cornwall, the collective savings totalled £160,000 and it is hoped the people of Exeter will get behind this campaign and mirror Cornwall’s success. 

To get involved, visit with a copy of your energy bill, register your details and instantly receive a collectively purchased energy offer from Exeter Together. 

Join Exeter Together - what would you do if you saved £100 off your fuel bill?

To see if you can save money on your energy bill, join up at Exeter Together by visiting or calling FREEPHONE 0800 542 0204. Ring free from a mobile (including Pay as You Go) on 0207 911 6479.

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