Jehovah's Witnesses attend annual convention in Exeter

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, June 29, 2017 - 10:11am

Jehovah’s Witnesses will be hosting their annual convention entitled: “Don’t Give Up” in many major cities around the world. The public is invited to attend this three-day event, which is free of charge.

This convention will include interviews, demonstrations, and videos aimed at inspiring all attendees to not give up hope, but continue to endure during difficult circumstances. The complete program can be found online on their official website. A spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses at their world headquarters in Warwick, New York said the following:

“Challenges in life can rob us of peace and even cause some to think about giving up. Our convention this year will benefit both Witnesses and non-Witnesses because it promises to empower individuals not only to keep enduring but also to cope with challenges productively.”

One of the highlights of this convention will be a new, three-part feature film entitled “Remember the Wife of Lot”. A thirty-minute segment will be played each afternoon of the convention, however a preview of this film is available to view online immediately.

Nearly thirteen million people attended last year’s convention worldwide. The first of two three-day events to be held in Exeter will begin on Friday 30th June 2017 at 9:20am. An estimated 8,000 people will come from all over Devon to the Westpoint Centre for the Bible-based program.


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