Learn More About The Pandemic: The Coronavirus Symptoms
The world fell into a pandemic when a fatal virus from Wuhan, China, spread like wildfire across the globe and infected thousands of people.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the coronavirus disease, or now called COVID-19, attacks your respiratory system and can cause an array of illnesses, but there is no need for serious treatment as the mortality rate of the said virus is only 3-4%. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case as the contagion of the disease increased exponentially within weeks, leading to the biggest viral outbreak in the 21st century.
Good thing, there are many ways to keep yourself protected from the disease, yet, understanding and learning more about the disease can help you intensify your protective measures. You can learn more about the pandemic and know what its symptoms are, so you can better impose protective measures to keep yourself and family safe against infection.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is just one of the many infectious diseases that targets a person's respiratory system. That is why the transmission of the virus happens when one infected person sneezes or coughs near you. It can be transmitted through droplets of saliva and nose discharges from sneezing.
Furthermore, metal surfaces can also be the reason for getting the disease. The virus stays in metal surfaces and contaminates it. Touching contaminated surfaces then touching your eyes, nose, and mouth is also one way of contacting the infection.
There are many references for Coronavirus infections information that can help you discover more about the disease. Reading more of these materials can widen your understanding of the virus. Also, being a well-informed civilian is the best step to help the virus from spreading more.
What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?
As health professionals would like to say it, the symptoms are much flu-like. The usual coughing and fever might be normal, but it could lead to something serious with the virus around. Here are the common symptoms that you can distinguish as typical flu-like symptoms, but it can also be a coronavirus symptom.
Having a fever is the most common symptom of coronavirus. With a high percentage between 80%-90% of admitted coronavirus cases around the world, all these patients experienced high-grade fever. It is called a key sign for contacting COVID-19.
Every individual has a different body temperature, and body temperatures change any time of the day. Adults and children have different body temperatures too.
Moreover, doctors advise not to rely on body temperature recorded in the morning. During late afternoon and evening, our body temperature changes, and taking a record during this time is most advised. For quick body temperature readings, consider using one of the many medically-approved infrared temperature guns that have risen in popularity since the start of the pandemic.
Shortness of breath
Since the coronavirus targets a person's respiratory system, having shortness of breath is not exempted as one of its symptoms. However, there are many rising questions about this symptom.
Health professionals simply describe “dyspnea” or breathlessness as the respiratory system is not functioning well. If you are struggling or if breathing takes a lot of effort, then you are experiencing shortness of breath.
There are many circumstances that a person can experience shortness of breath, like after strenuous activity, performing cardio, or at high altitude. But if you haven't been or haven't done any of these things and had a shortness of breath out of nowhere, then you should immediately perform self-assessment and contact a physician right away.
How to determine if your cough is a COVID-19 cough symptom? A dry, persistent, and a cough that can cause you shortness of breath is a COVID-19 cough. Since it attacks your respiratory system, coughing is a prominent symptom for COVID-19 patients.
Medical researchers in China recorded 50-80% of admitted patients have experienced excessive coughing that later suffered shortness of breath.
It is important to know that the virus mainly infects your lung tissue, which causes your cough to be dry and persistent. If you have a history of having a dry cough and neglects the idea of getting a check, think twice. This disease progresses and what you actually thought a normal dry cough might turn to a more serious case.
Other symptoms of COVID-19
The three and most common symptoms that are mentioned above are the prominent ones. However, there are still other symptoms that other infected patients developed such as the following:
- Chills and body aches
- Lack of appetite
- Loss of smell and taste
- Nasal congestion
- Sudden confusion
- Fatigue
Every individual is different, and their immune system as well. One might develop an unusual symptom from the other. However, taking note of these symptoms will keep you vigilant. If you feel a little different from the usual, it is better to stay at home and rest until it goes away. COVID-19 is not something you can neglect, and it is better to be health cautious and stay alert during these times.