Living Slowly: How To Implement “No-rush” Concept Into Daily Life

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 5:21am

Does it feel like you constantly lack time to do everything you wanted or planned? Does it feel like the rhythm of our life is so much faster than we can actually stand? If in your life the answers to both questions are “yes”, maybe it is time to thinks things through once again. Our lives do accelerate but this does not mean that we should rush along. Maybe it is better to step off that fast-paced train of life and just take the time to enjoy the precious moment slowly. 

Some people have come to the concept of slow-living to make sure that their existence is not a mere array of fast-moving and dynamic occurrences but a rather mindful experience. It is only worth to keep abreast of the times in search for the significant other which can be accelerated by numerous digital tools. You can read about some of them as well as about benaughty online while we continue to explain what a slow life means and how to implement it. 

Slowing Down Tips And Tricks In Modern Realities

While everything in the world forces us to rush, we should take a peaceful moment of gratitude and let ourselves lose momentum so that it again feels good to be alive. This is the basic rule which will help us to get to the place of comfort and ease. However, how do we practically do this when our phones cannot stop vibrating and schedules are full a few months in advance? 

Below we have gathered some of the most helpful tips to get you out of the rat race efficiently:

  • Start by incorporating one new habit a month: we all know that sometimes changing everything at once feels like the right thing to do but it is incredibly hard. Therefore, to really achieve the desired results one should try to incorporate new approaches and thus form new habits gradually; 
  • Choose spheres of life where you want to live slowly:maybe it is your work life that keeps you anxious and busy all day all night. It can also be the case that you struggle in a free time when a great variety of opportunities simply stresses and does not let any of these to be actually done. Choose where you would like to start and then transform that sphere of life first; 
  • pay attention to your surrounding:your flat, your friends and your environment as such usually contribute to the bad feeling of lagging behind. Thus, make sure to create an advantageous environment which would help you live what you preach instead of stressing even more.   

All in all, wherever you live and whatever you do for a living, it is all about enjoying the moment. If the city rhythm is a bit too much for you, why not consider moving to the countryside? If your friends make you even more anxious, why not take a break in your relations? Remember, it is all about this moment that you have in life so make sure to enjoy it a bit more with a slow-living concept. 

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