Neil Parish MP supports campaign to stamp out wildlife crime
Tiverton and Honiton MP Neil Parish has shown his commitment to protecting animals by pledging his support for the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) campaign against wildlife crime.
Neil Parish, who is chairman of the Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare, hosted the IFAW’s ‘Wildlife Crime – The Fightback’ event at the House of Commons on Monday 29th April. Key speakers included Environment Minister Richard Benyon MP, and Kelvin Alie, Wildlife Crime Programme Director, IFAW.
Neil Parish is working with IFAW to highlight animal welfare issues and send a clear message that he wants the UK to take the lead in the international community to stamp out wildlife crime.
IFAW’s event highlighted that some of the planet’s most iconic species are being pushed to the brink of extinction by wildlife crime. The illegal trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn, poaching of wild tigers for their parts, smuggling of rare birds and reptiles for the pet trade and the use of endangered animals in traditional Asian medicines are decimating wild populations. In addition it drew attention to the fact that it is now widely acknowledged that those involved in wildlife crime are often organised criminal syndicates that also deal in illegal drugs and arms.
This was echoed last year, when Hillary Clinton, then US Secretary of State, said, “over the past few years wildlife trafficking has become more organised, more lucrative, more widespread, and more dangerous than ever before…wildlife trafficking has serious implications for the security and prosperity of people around the world”.
Neil Parish said: “It was shocking to hear about the scale and impact of illegal trade in endangered species. I fully support IFAW’s campaign to stamp out wildlife crime such as elephant poaching and the illegal sale of ivory, which so often funds criminal gangs, money launders and extremist groups. I urge my constituents to lend their support to this important campaign.”
Robbie Marsland, UK Director of IFAW, said: “Wildlife crime is pushing elephants, rhinos, tigers and many other species to the brink of extinction. We are very grateful to Neil Parish for showing his commitment to halting wildlife crime by helping organize this event.”
For more information about IFAW click here.