Photography competition to find favourite trees in Exeter

People are being asked to take a picture of their favourite tree in Exeter as part of a photographic competition.

The best picture will win a tree – kindly donated by Devon Tree Services - and a framed photograph of the picture. There is also an under-16 category for budding junior photographers, with the same prizes donated by the City Council.

The competition is being run by Exeter City Council in the run up to National Tree Week – 28 November to 6 December.

Cllr David Harvey, Lead Councillor for Environment and City Management, said: “Get photographing and show us your favourite tree – Exeter has so many beautiful trees so we’d be interested to see your favourites.”

People can post their pictures on the City Council Facebook site or email their entry in to

Alternatively, pictures can be sent to: Public Realm Trees, room 3.32, civic centre, Exeter EX1 1JN. Entries must be clearly marked “ECC tree photo competition” and have a name, age of photographer and a location of the tree

The closing date for entries is Friday 20 November but get snapping before Storm Barbara blows all the leaves off all the leaves!

Pictures can be with or without people but must include a tree from within Exeter. They can be selfies, arty shots, black and white or colour images. They might be fun shots with children, friends or family in or just a simple shot of your favourite tree.

The competition is open to amateur photographers only, with a maximum of two entries per person.

A judging panel will decide the best pictures and prizes awarded to the best adult and best junior entry.

“We’re conscious that not everyone in Exeter will have a garden or a spot to plant a tree, so we would be more than happy to find a suitable place if that’s the case,” added Cllr Harvey.  


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