Safety on Dartmoor day
Local rescue charities and branches of emergency services, National Trust and Dartmoor National Park Authority are holding their third safety on Dartmoor day at Lydford Gorge near Tavistock on Sunday 22 June between 10am and 5pm.
On the day, there will be the opportunity to look round fire engines, police cars and ambulances plus meet the local fire fighters, police officers, air ambulance crew and rescue dogs. Other organisations and charities attending will be the marching band of the Okehampton Air Cadets, RAF Harrowbeer, Okehampton Amy Camp, Care of Police Survivors, Dartmoor Trust, Spirit of Adventure and Landmarc Support services.
The police Oscar 99 and Devon Air ambulance will pop in for an appearance during the day if jobs allow.
The day will also include live rescues from the gorge and demonstrations, including gorge rescues from Camelshead Rescue. There will also be an opportunity to have a go on emergency simulator machines; Drink Driver and Boy Racer to learn of the dangers of drink driving and speeding.
Fay Langston, Visitor Services Officer at Lydford Gorge says, ‘this is a great opportunity for visitors and locals to visit for free and come and meet people who run our local emergency services on Dartmoor and to see first-hand how they carry out rescues.’
There will also be a children’s trail. A great day out with free entry to the gorge and the event. Shop and tea-rooms open too!
Dartmoor National Park Authority Ranger Service is pleased to be involved with the safety on Dartmoor day at Lydford Gorge. Rangers work in partnership with the emergency services and rescue charities, sharing information and training in order to provide a better service to the public, ensuring a co-ordinated approach to tackling incidents in Dartmoor National Park. Come along on 22 June and find out more about the work of the Dartmoor National Park Rangers.
A great day out for all the family! Free admission. For further details of the event please visit http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lydford-gorge or call 01822 820320 orhttp://www.dartmoor-npa.gov.uk/