Sugar Smart September challenge begins in Devon

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - 8:11am

Devon’s residents and businesses are being encouraged to get involved in the Sugar Smart September campaign this year, which challenges individuals across the South West to reduce or cut out their sugar consumption.

This year the campaign is hoping to recruit even more people to think about their sugar intake, and local Sugar Smart initiatives will be providing support and tips throughout the month

People can reduce their sugar through a range of options; from cutting out added sugar completely for the whole month to avoiding sugar during weekdays with moderate treats only during weekends; keeping within the daily recommended seven teaspoons of added sugar; or even just cutting out added sugar during working hours.

A Sugar Smart September 2018 Facebook page gives participants the chance to ask questions, share their stories, experiences, recipes and challenges throughout the month. The Facebook page will post daily top tips to keep individuals motivated, and a Twitter feed @SugarSmartDevon will  send daily messages to encourage people to make a permanent change to lifestyles.

Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for health and wellbeing said:  “Residents, local organisations and many of our staff have already taken part in the challenge for the past two years and this year will see the numbers grow.

"Many have found taking part in this challenge has given them the incentive to make a positive and permanent change to their lifestyle and have really felt the health benefits, like more energy and a healthier weight.  Lots of organisations take part in this challenge every year and it's a great way to network with people across the South West.

“The Sugar Smart campaign in Devon is also designed to encourage organisations to take Sugar Smart actions to make the healthy choice the easy choice.  These actions can be relatively small steps, such as introducing healthier food options, removing sugary drinks from sale or promoting Sugar Smart messages.”

Some major local organisations have already taken Sugar Smart pledges.  Exeter City Football Club is stocking healthier food and drink in its shop and reducing sugary food and drink.  A year on, a total of 1,500 bags of sweets a year were no longer sold at their club shop, resulting in nearly 150 kg of sugar removed from the venue. Meanwhile the whole town of Tavistock has become Sugar Smart, with individuals and businesses signing up to the pledge including Meadowlands Leisure Centre, which has removed all its sugary food and drinks advertising.

Organisations can go to to pledge their support and register Sugar Smart actions.

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